Course Placement
Information for 2025 - 2026
Honors students are expected to maintain a high level of academic interest, demonstrate a sophisticated level of critical thinking, and be self-motivated learners and generators of academic materials. Students will be required to write frequently and extensively, completing assignments that emphasize analysis, creativity, and the ability to engage in critical evaluation. Honors students complete weekly and longer term assignments and many of these are done independently or collaboratively with other students in their classes.
Many courses have established prerequisites and minimum grade requirements that students must meet to qualify for enrollment. These criteria are detailed in the Program of Studies and should be reviewed carefully as part of the decision-making process before meeting with guidance for scheduling. Students who do not meet the prerequisites but wish to have their course placement reviewed by the department supervisor may do so by completing the Placement Review Request Form.
Quick Reference Guide for Incoming 9th Grade Placement Process and Testing Information
2025 Placement Letter to Parents and Current Students
For additional information, please see the individual subject areas below.
For specific questions regarding placement for honors, AP, or other courses, please reach out to the subject area supervisor listed in the department list below.
For specific questions about scheduling, please reach out to your child's guidance counselor or email the supervisor of guidance, Dr. Struncis.
For specific questions involving Special Education, please reach out to your child's case manager or the Director of Special Services, Dr. Hesney.
For specific school operations questions, please reach out to the high school principal, either Mr. Wieland from PHHS or Mr. Puccio from PVHS.
- Business Education
- English
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Fine Arts
- Internship
- Mathematics
- Music
- Science
- Social Studies
- Technology Education
- World Languages