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District Logo

District Vision: To create a culture of innovation, inquiry, and individuality that promotes achievement and choice by cultivating the skills needed to compete and collaborate as ethical and responsible global citizens.

District Mission Statement: To prepare our students for successful college and/or career experiences with the needed mindset, skills, structures, and knowledge to accomplish that goal.

Welcome to the Pascack Valley Regional High School District

The Pascack Valley Regional High School District is truly as special place where the board and staff strives to provide our students with innovative instruction, a versatile framework, and educational resources to develop the skills and obtain the knowledge they will need to pursue their passions and advance toward their future goals. 

Our schools are successful because we have an exceptionally progressive staff of educators, a supportive school community, and motivated students!  Our collective efforts to enhance the educational experiences and opportunities for our students has been recognized by officials in New Jersey and nationally.  An example is our selection to Digital Promise's "League of Innovative Schools" which reinforces that officials around the nation recognize our district as an innovative learning environment, continually seeking more engaging and meaningful educational experiences for our students. Participation in this "League" has our district collaborating with some of the most forward-thinking school districts in the country and has inspired positive change over the years. 

I urge you to reach out to any staff member or me if you have any concerns regarding our district. Our lines of communication are open and we look forward to hearing from you. On behalf of the teachers, support staff, and administrators in the Pascack Valley Regional High School District, we thank you for your ongoing support of our schools!


Sarah Bilotti
Superintendent of Schools
201-358-7005 x21005